This week at the EYC July 19-28

In addition to all the EYC’s routine daily fun, such as lessons, racing, swimming, jumping (but never diving) off the pier, windsurfing, paddleboarding, kayaking, grilling, visiting with friends, bridge, bunco, four-square, and other things which have yet to be thought of, here’s what’s happening:

The first MEN’S NIGHT ON THE DOCK begins at 7:30 PM on Friday, July 19.  EYC men can watch (or compete in) the Friday evening Laser and 420 races.  We will fire up the grills around 7:30, and as the women and juniors depart after the races, manly men will partake in manly food, manly drink, manly cigars, and manly conversation.  BYO food, drink and cigars.  The EYC’s no-smoking rule is suspended during this event only, and only outdoors.

EYC member Jenny Miller INVITES ALL EYC WOMEN TO A GET-TOGETHER at her home at 2776 Beechtree Lane in Ephraim beginning at 7:00 PM on Friday, July 19.  Bring an hors d’oeuvre to share; Jenny will provide wine, beer, and soda.

The OPTIMIST REGATTA will take place the afternoon of Saturday, July 20 and the morning of Sunday, July 21.  The EYC’s fleet of Optimists are available for qualified EYC members to use in this regatta.  The boat draw is at 1:00 PM on Saturday, July 20.  Eligibility is limited to competitors who will not have reached their 16th birthday in 2013.  For more information see the Notice of Race at

The DEADLINE TO ENROLL IN ADULT SAILING LESSONS for the week of July 22-26 is noon on July 21.  Adult lessons are geared to beginners or near-beginners and take place Monday through Friday from 1:30 PM to 4:30 PM, in the EYC’s spacious, stable Flying Scots.  For more information, and to enroll, go to

The FIRST MATES POT LUCK DINNER is at 6:00 PM on Thursday, July 25 at Ephraim’s Old Village Hall.  If you are an EYC member and female, then you are a First Mate!  For more information contact First First Mate Carole Kraemer [email protected] (920) 868-2409

The second MEN’S NIGHT ON THE DOCK begins at 7:30 PM on Friday, July 26.  EYC men can watch (or compete in) the Friday evening Laser and 420 races.  We will fire up the grills around 7:30, and as the women and juniors depart after the races, we will finish whatever wasn’t finished the previous Friday, including drinks and conversations.  BYO food, drink and cigars.  The EYC’s no-smoking rule is suspended during this event only, and only outdoors.


Don’t forget the EYC has classified for-sale ads. The newest item is a complete 1981 Sunfish sailboat for only $400!  Go to


We found four (4) pairs of eyeglasses at the July 13 Dinner with Gary Jobson.  If you lost a pair please stop by the EYC on a weekday and ask for Woody.


The EYC needs some ANCHORS and BAILERS.  If you can donate some, please drop them off at the EYC.

We need small anchors for the marks we use every day in races and lessons.  Mushroom-type from 6 to 10 lbs. are perfect. Other items which make great mark anchors are  weight-lifting weights and window sash counterweights (if you have ever torn out old double-hung windows, you know what we mean).

We need gallon-sized  plastic jugs which we turn into scoop bailers.  Milk jugs, orange juice jugs, and bleach jugs are the best.  All donated jugs must have their caps and must be thoroughly rinsed prior to drop off.


Volunteers are needed to help with the REGATTA WELCOME PARTY on the evening of Friday, August 2.  if you would like to help with this simple, fun party, please contact event chairs Laura O’Rourke [email protected] or Jeanne Papenthien [email protected]