Save the Date – April 26 – Aaron R. Moore Sailing Scholarship Fund Gala Dinner
Dear Friends and Fellow EYC Members,
Please save Saturday, April 26, 2014 for the Ephraim Yacht Club’s second annual Aaron R. Moore Sailing Scholarship fundraising dinner at the Lake Forest Club. This year a Caribbean theme will inspire the food, bar and music. This event is a great opportunity to catch up with your EYC friends as the summer approaches.
Sailing is a lifelong learning sport that teaches the best attributes of citizenship and sportsmanship as well as valuable life skills. In 2013, the Fund provided 32 scholarships to Door County juniors who would not otherwise have been able to afford sailing lessons. Also, the Fund paid half the cost of the EYC’s new safety boat, and kick started an endowment which will grow and continue to fund sailing scholarships for many years. We hope that in 2014 the Fund will surpass last year’s success.
The EYC needs your participation! You can add to the success of the evening by donating items for the silent auction, attending the dinner, purchasing items from the auction, or donating to the fund. Simply put, we need your assistance! (All hands on deck!) Please save the date and do your best to attend this worthy and fun event. Keep an eye out for your e-mail invitation.
Whether or not you can attend the April 26 gala, the Fund welcomes your donation of silent auction items or cash. To donate items, contact event co-chair Sherry Moore at [email protected] or (847) 702-6974. To donate by check or credit card, go to; or contact EYC Treasurer Rob Treleven [email protected]
The EYC hopes you can take part in this evening of fun and sailing fellowship!
Yours in Wind and Water,
Sherry, Rob, Barb and Adam Moore