Volunteers Needed and Tickets Going Fast – 2007
Tickets for the EYC Benefit Concert “Four Guys in Dinner Jackets” on Saturday at Fine Line Designs Gallery are going fast. To reserve tickets either stop by Fine Line or call Bill Hoag at 920-854-9147 or David Sauter at 920-217-5851. If you are in Door County, don’t miss this one! Remember all the ticket sales go straight to the EYc Clubhouse renovation project!
We need some volunteers to help set up chairs at 4pm on Friday and additional volunteers to help park cars on Saturday night. Please call Bill Hoag at 920-854-9147 if you can help with either of these.
Additional details at http://ephraimyc.wpengine.com
Posted by David Sauter, Commodore & Bill Hoag, Clubhouse Renovation Chair