End of Season Events- Annual General Meeting, Commodore’s Cocktail, Couples Bunco and Scavenger Hunt

EYC Annual Membership Meeting

On Saturday, August 12th, the EYC will hold its annual membership meeting at the Clubhouse at  9:00 a.m. All members are invited to join the meeting, listen to the committee reports and meet the board.

Commodore’s Cocktail Party

Please join us on Saturday, August 12th @ 6:00 pm for the Commodore’s Cocktail party at beautiful Hidden Acres farm in Sister Bay.  Join us for our end of season social and awards announcements. All ages welcome!

We are still looking for additional volunteers to make this event a success.  If you are able to help out, please sign up here Commodore’s Cocktail Volunteers


Partner Bunco-Sunday, August 13th

Please join us at the clubhouse @6:30 p.m. for couples Bunco! Grab your partner and have some fun!

EYC/EYH Scavenger Hunt-Saturday, August 19th

The Ephraim Yacht Club and Ephraim Historical Foundation invite members to attend an Adult Mixer Photo Scavenger Hunt. Meet new friends, then team up to test your knowledge of Ephraim trivia! Tickets are $10 per person. Proceeds benefit both the EYC and EHF.

Arrive at the Anderson Barn no later than 5:45 PM. Volunteer to be a designated driver when you register (DD’s car should be able to fit at least 5 people). Teams re-group at the Ephraim Yacht Club at 8 PM to have answers scored. Enjoy beverages (BYOB) and snacks and share tall tales while organizers tally results. Creative answers earn bonus points! Prizes go to the top two teams!

Questions? Phone the EHF at 920-854-9688 or the EYC at 920-854-7107