Spring is in the air and Summer is on its way

Pancake Breakfast is Back

Summer is almost here, Door County is looking green, and already there are boats in Eagle Harbor. Even better news, Fyr Bal is back with the Pancake Breakfast sponsored by the EYC.  We are looking for volunteers to work in the kitchen (making coffee, mixing batter, cutting strawberries, etc), setting & clearing tables in Village Hall as diners come & go, grill sausages, flip pancakes, and take payment at the door.  The doors are open 8-10:30am on June 18th, with set up starting at 7am and clean up usually complete by 11am.  It’s a fun way to start the weekend and see so many morning smiles!  Adults & kids are welcome to volunteer and eat!  Please sign up using this link- Pancake Breakfast Volunteers.

Email Jane Reyerson Ford at [email protected] with any questions!

Powerboat Skills class and Sailing  Lesson registration continues

Get hands-on boating skills development through EYC’s Powerboat skills class. This is a great course for all those wanting comprehensive on-the-water training for recreational boaters.  The class is taught by a US Sailing certified Powerboat Instructor who will empower students with the skills and confidence they need to get more out of their boating experience and become a safer powerboat operator!

The Powerboat skills class is offered from July 4th- Aug 5th in one week sessions in the afternoons.  EYC Sailing Lesson registrations for all levels beginner through Adults continues.

Click here to get started! https://campscui.active.com/orgs/EphraimYachtClub#/selectSessions/3117036

Questions about lessons, schedule or levels ? Email the Education Team: [email protected]

EYC merchandise Lead Volunteer wanted

The EYC is looking for a lead volunteer to be responsible for the EYC merchandise sales.  Responsibilities include:
  • Make sure the store is set up and staffed for each Friday from 9am to 1pm
  • Coordinate and train volunteers to assist selling
  • Take down and store merchandise at store closing
Interested parties can email Geoff Werner [email protected]