Getting ready to say goodbye to summer!

EYC Clubhouse information

Sailing lessons  end this Friday (I’m not crying you’re crying)! Best of luck to all of our instructors and dock assistants in all their endeavors for the coming year. Many thanks to everyone for participating in and supporting the EYC Education program.  We hope everyone has a fabulous school year, and we will see you next summer!

EYC merchandise  will also be available to purchase on Friday from 11:30-1:30 during the end of session picnic. This is the last chance to purchase this season, so make sure you head on down!

EYC Boat usage . As we enter into the “quiet”  season, the club will be heading into it’s closing stages. However, we will have staff available for the next two weeks. If you would like to take a boat out please text Will Andersen (847)772-2333 or Jack Rebhan (920)495-7170 to schedule a boat reservation.

Clubhouse clean-up/ closing Work day

Please mark your calendars for Saturday, August 31st and come out to the club.

Ephraim Regatta Shout outs!

Thanks to some amazing leadership we had another marvelous regatta!  EYC would like to thank:
John Archibald, Bob Aring, Chris Bungener, Dave Chomeau, Carol Claypool, Nancy Claypool, Sandra Claypool, Charlie Clifton, Cindy Clifton, Brian Conrad, Liz Dischner, Joel Dykman, Chalyn Elking, Carol Fiedler, Marsella Fults, Eric Herndon, Karyn Herndon, Andy Hodgson, Judy Hodgson, Fred Horwitz, Jennifer Ikeda-Faugust, Fred Lewis, Joanie Lewis, Ryan Malmgren,  Jack O’Rourke, Annie Pennington, Stacey Rieu, Jim Rowings, Sly Salkowski, Wally Waleffe, Bruce Webster, Gary Werden, Matt Winnacker
Thank you also to Tommy Papenthien and the EYC staff.  And to Mad Sails for their sponsorship.

Oh what a night! Commodore’s Party was a huge success.

Wow, what a turn out for Commodores Party! Thanks to all who came out in numbers ! The EYC community was treated to a beautiful evening on the Peninsula Art School grounds. We had such an increase in numbers, we even ran out of wine & beer!!!  The good news is we’ll have more than enough next year now that we know so many friends and family members will be attending! We would like to thank Donna Scattergood and Rebecca Van Miller for chairing this wonderful event. Also a huge thanks to all the volunteers that helped out: Julie Watkins, Marsella Fults, Kirk Scattergood, Duska Pearson, Susie Samson, Marta Fonseca, Sibylle Tasker, Lisa Gifford, Myra DeLong, Bob Richter, Stephanie Richter, Geoff Werner and Claudia Werner.
Congratulations to all our race series winners!!

The fun is not over yet,  Bunco and Bridge Continues!

Due to overwhelming demand, we have added an additional Bunco session to the calendar for Monday, August 19th.  Play starts at 7:00 and benefits the EYC youth sailing program.
Bridge will continue through September.

EYC Volunteer Recognition.

The following volunteers  were nominated for our volunteer recognition:
Geoff and Claudia Werner for running the Laser Regatta and preparing delicious meals for racers,
Stephanie Richter for her tireless efforts on the dock selling/promoting EYC merchandise,  Susana Mortara for coordinating  outstanding Junior Activities this summer,  Stacey Rieu for her  excellent work chairing the Ephraim Regatta, Donna Scattergood and Rebecca Van Miller for chairing the Commodores Party. And the winner of the gift certificate is …Stephanie Richter!
EYC would like to thank  all of those individuals who have lent a helping hand throughout the summer (an and during the rest of the year), we couldn’t have done it without out you!!
“Volunteers don’t necessarily have the time; they have the heart” -Elizabeth Andrew.