EYC Membership Renewal Is Going On Now
Time to renew your EYC membership: “Everybody’s doing it”
Thus far, two thirds of our membership has already renewed. (Are you feeling the peer pressure?) If you haven’t yet, now is the time. Click on this renewal link to Club Express and use your login/password. Click on the red “renew” and follow the steps. Your renewal is complete when you pay with your credit card. Club Express will send you a confirmation email within minutes.
If you need help with this process, please send an email to membership volunteers: Lisa Gifford and Jodi Hoyerman [email protected]
Student Memberships
All sailing students need to be members. If you are not a club member, and your child will be sailing with us, please contact Jodi Hoyerman at [email protected] for information on purchasing a student membership. The process is similar to last year but with a new discount code to bypass the initiation fee. Please keep in mind, that student memberships have limited benefits. If you are considering a family membership this year, please contact Jodi with any questions.
The Printed Directory
It takes many volunteer hours to edit and organize the directory information. Thank you to Sue Zingsheim who has published our club directory for many years and is training a new volunteer group to take over. Please renew your membership by April 1st if you want your name in the printed directory (and of course we know that you do).