2015 Lesson Information
2015 Lesson Schedule Preview
The Education Committee is hard at work finalizing the registration process for 2015. Registration should be open by mid-February. You will receive an e-mail notification when the system is available. In the meantime, please look carefully over the 2015 schedule. Due to changing demand, the lesson schedule is shifting to later in the summer. Lessons will begin with a two week Session A, running from June 15-June 26, followed by two weeks each of B, C, and D. Sessions E and F will be one week sessions at the end of the summer. We have several new and exciting options for 2015-Adventure Sailing and Power Boat Skills. This year’s Women’s Sailing Class will focus on Beginner and Intermediate skills. Bobby Collins will be returning for two Opti Clinics in July. Plans are in the works for a Flying Scot clinic in July, with details to follow later. As always, our fabulous staff will be available for private lessons. Please check out our website at http://ephraimyc.wpengine.com/lessons/ for more information.