This week at the EYC July 5-13
An EYC clinic instructor needs a ride from the Milwaukee Yacht Club to Ephraim in the late afternoon or evening of Friday, July 11. The instructor is Scott Flanigan, a 2012 Olympic competitor on the Irish team. If you can help, please contact [email protected]
It’s a busy high summer week here at the EYC. In addition to the regularly scheduled sailing and socializing, and the unscheduled sailing and socializing, here’s what’s happening:
EYC members with boats of all sizes and types are invited to RAFT UP AND PICNIC to watch the fireworks at Fish Creek on Saturday, July 5. We will meet beginning around 6:00 P.M. BYO food, beverages, lots of fenders, and all your Coast Guard-required gear. Look for the Peterson’s Charrette, a white sailboat displaying the EYC burgee. The Petersons have a grill for shared use, and condiments, spices and cooking utensils. The Petersons also have some space on their boat for those who don’t have a boat. For more information, contact EYC Cruising chairman John Peterson (414) 581-0792.
The EYC’s LASER CLINIC takes place on Thursday and Friday, July 10-11. A couple of enrollment slots still remain for students who can provide their own Laser. For more information, and to enroll, go to The Trophy Room will be reserved for the use of the clinic on these dates.
The EYC’s TEAM RACING CLINIC takes place on Saturday and Sunday, July 12-13. A 2012 Olympic sailor will help lead the clinic! A few enrollment slots remain. Advance enrollment is required. For more information about this very cool and fun variation on sailboat racing, and to enroll, see The Trophy Room will be reserved for the use of the clinic on these dates.
The DEADLINE TO ENROLL IN LESSON SESSION D is noon on Sunday, July 13. Session D lessons are offered in both the morning and the afternoon, Monday through Friday, from July 14 through July 25. For more information about EYC sailing lessons, and to enroll, go to
The DEADLINE TO ENROLL IN THE WOMEN’S RACING CLASS is noon on Sunday, July 13. The Women’s Racing class will be taught from 1:30 PM to 4:30 P.M. July 14-18. The class is open to women age 18 and up who already have basic sailing skills and who wish to take their racing skills to the next level. Join your friends in this fun and informative class! For more information, and to enroll go to