You Can Still Name One of the EYC Lasers
Thanks again to EYC members Tom and Liz Sublewski, Bjorn and Kitty Hooper, and Kurt and Sue Zingsheim, each of who has donated $200 to the EYC in order to be able to name one of the EYC Lasers; double thanks to EYC member John Welch who donated $400 to name TWO Lasers.
That leaves one EYC Laser still unnamed with the 2011 season approaching. You too could name an EYC Laser for only $200!
If you want to name the last EYC Laser, send a check for $200, payable to the Ephraim Yacht Club, to Jay Lott, 9910 Mueller Lane, Bailey’s Harbor, WI 54202 Include your suggested name (18 characters maximum). The first check received will name the Laser; all other checks will be returned.