This Week at the EYC August 11-17
It’s the last week of the EYC’s short, but intense, summer season! Please make the most of it by attending the Commodore’s Party and the EYC’s annual membership meeting.
The EYC’s ANNUAL MEETING OF THE MEMBERS will be at the EYC clubhouse at 9:00 AM on Saturday, August 11. If you are a Family, Single, Senior or Life member, please attend the meeting so that we can have a quorum to elect four new members of the Board of Directors and to conduct other official EYC business. The Annual Meeting is also one of many opportunities for the EYC’s members to provide feedback and ask questions of the EYC’s Directors and officers.
Help end the EYC’s social season in style! Come to the COMMODORE’S PARTY, Saturday, August 11 from 6:00 PM to 8:00 PM at the pavilion by the ballpark at the Sister Bay Sports Complex. EYC members and guests of all ages are welcome at this EYC fundraiser! Bring your favorite appetizer; the EYC supplies wine, beer, and soft drinks. Admission is $15 (adults and children age 9 and older) or $8 (age 8 and under). Your personal check is preferred.
Directions: from Hwy. 42 in Sister Bay, take ZZ east to Woodcrest Road. Turn left and park by the ball field, or go in the main entrance and park by the tennis courts.
There are some CHANGES TO THE RACING SCHEDULE as a result of the annual meeting. The Flying Scot races normally scheduled for the morning of Saturday, August 11 will be held instead on the morning of Sunday, August 12. The Optimist races normally scheduled for the morning of Sunday, August 12 will not be held. The last races of the EYC’s 2o12 season will be the Laser and Flying Junior races on the afternoon of Sunday, August 12.
The DEADLINE TO ENROLL IN SESSION F SAILING GROUP SAILING LESSONS is noon on Sunday, August 11. Session F lessons begin Monday, August 13 and run through Friday, August 17. This one-week session is a good way to introduce a new sailor to the sport at a lower cost, or to provide additional lesson time to a student who has already taken lessons in 2012. The EYC has a limited number of instructor staff available during this week, so enroll now before your preferred lesson level and time are full! For more information, and to enroll, go to