Commodore’s Party Saturday August 11 / Final Junior Activity

Help end the EYC’s social season in style! Come to the COMMODORE’S PARTY, Saturday, August 11 from 6:00 PM to 8:00 PM at the pavilion by the ballpark at the Sister Bay Sports Complex.  EYC members and guests of all ages are welcome at this EYC fundraiser!  Bring your favorite appetizer; the EYC supplies wine, beer, and soft drinks.  Admission is $15 (adults and children age 9 and older) or $8 (age 8 and under).  Your personal check is preferred.

Directions: from Hwy. 42 in Sister Bay, take ZZ east to Woodcrest Road. Turn left and park by the ball field, or go in the main entrance and park by the tennis courts.


There will be a WEDNESDAY JUNIOR ACTIVITY today.  EYC juniors are invited to arrive at the EYC at 6:30 PM to cheer their favorite instructors as the instructors compete in the first annual Instructor Opti Regatta.  We will then drive to the Fults’ home to play Capture the Flag.  Pick up at the EYC at 8:00 PM.  No meal will be served this week and there is no cost for this event.  EYC junior activities are open to EYC members and guests who have at least completed first grade.  Sign up on the poster at the EYC.  To volunteer as a parent driver, or if you have questions, contact Liz Gheorghita [email protected].