This Week at the EYC June 25-July 1 / Jack McCoy
The EYC regrets to announce the passing of longtime EYC member and former Commodore John J. “Jack” McCoy of Egg Harbor. An obituary is here:
We think Jack would be pleased with everything going on at the EYC this week. In addition to the usual activities of lessons, racing, bridge, bunco, swimming, visiting with friends and family, and just plain going sailing, here’s what’s happening:
The EYC’s FAMILY REGATTA is the morning of Saturday, June 30. For more information on the Family Regatta, and for details on how members can enter the drawing to use an EYC-owned boat in the Family Regatta, watch for a later email from the EYC.
The YOUTH ACTIVITY for Wednesday, June 27 will be bowling, pizza and soft drinks at the Sister Bay Bowl. Meet at the Bowl at 6:00 PM. Youth activities are for EYC members and guests who have at least finished first grade. Bring $10 to cover bowling and pizza. Pick up at the Bowl at 7:30 PM. Questions? Contact Betsy Steele (920) 854-7191.
The TEEN ACTIVITY for Thursday, June 28 will be a barbeque and movie under the stars at Ephraim’s Skyway drive-in theater. Meet at the EYC at 7:00 PM. Pick up in Nelson’s Hardware parking lot after first film at approximately 10:30 PM. Cost $10 plus money for snacks. Questions? Contact Teen Activities chair Heather Andersen [email protected]
The DEADLINE TO ENROLL IN SESSION C SAILING LESSONS is noon on Sunday, July 1. Session C lessons begin Monday, July 2. The EYC teaches group and private sailing lessons for juniors, teens and adults. For more information about sailing lessons at the EYC, and to enroll, go to