Coming Up at the EYC
We are in the busy part of the season now at the EYC with multiple events every week for adults, teens and children. Here’s what’s coming up this week. Plus, a new men-only event!
The First Mate’s Pot Luck Dinner is Wednesday, July 14 at 6:00 PM at the EYC. All First Mates (EYC women) are invited. For more information contact Mommadore Nancy Pillat [email protected]
EYC Explorers (ages 5-8) will visit the Ephraim Historical Foundation on Thursday, July 15 for the EHF’s “Childs Play”. The theme is “Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs”. Meet at the EHF (just one block north of the EYC on Water Street) at 10:30 AM. Advance registration is required: call the EHF at (920) 854-9688 to register. Cost is $ 5. Although Explorer parents normally are required to chaperone, at this event, parents can walk across the street to the Hardy Gallery while the kids participate in the program. For more information contact Duska Pearson at (920) 854-9988
EYC Teens will go kart and mini golf at Johnson’s Park in Sister Bay on Thursday, July 15. Afterwards, teens will walk to the Ritter home in Crow’s Nest, take the tram down the bluff and walk along the water to the Sister Bay Waterfront Park. The EYC will provide ice cream at the park. Drop off your teen at Johnson’s Park at 4:00 PM; pick up from Sister Bay’s Waterfront park at 6:00 PM. Teens should bring money for Johnson’s Park and wear closed toe shoes. Rain plan: meet at the Ritter home from 4:00 to 6:00 PM at 10722 Admiral Drive, Sister Bay. All EYC teens who have completed seventh grade are welcome to attend.
The Rich Hall Junior Regatta will be sailed in Flying Juniors on Sunday, July 18 as part of the regular Sunday Flying Junior series. Boat draw for EYC-owned boats 1:15 PM; skippers meeting 1:30 PM: first race 2:00 PM. Up to five races will be sailed. For further details and to view the notice of race go to
All EYC men and male guests are invited to an end-of-pier gathering on Friday, July 23 beginning at 7:00 PM. Watch the Laser and FJ races; after the races grill steaks, drink wine or martinis, smoke cigars and socialize without any women or children present. BYO steaks, beverages and cigars. The EYC’s no smoking restriction has been lifted for this event only, but cigar smokers are asked to respect others who may be on the pier watching the races. For more information contact event organizers Kirk Scattergood [email protected] or Jeff Steele [email protected]