Lesson Enrollment Deadline / First Mates

The DEADLINE TO ENROLL IN SESSION B LESSONS is noon on Sunday, June 16.  Session B lessons begin at 9:00 AM on Monday, June 17.  For more information about lessons at the EYC, and to enroll, go to www.eyc.org/lessons

The first FIRST MATES COFFEE begins at 9:00 AM on Monday, June 17 at the EYC.  If you are a female EYC member, then you are a First Mate!  Be there to catch up with your friends after a long winter and to help plan this summer’s EYC events.


Don’t forget the EYC has online classified ads.   A few of the current items in the classifieds include a hot 18-foot Hobie cat in good condition for only $2000, and a 13′ Whaler for only $3995.  See www.eyc.org/classified-advertising.

If you have something to sell to EYC members, like a boat, you can place an ad for only $10.  For details e-mail [email protected]