This Week at the EYC July 14-22 / For Sale: Boats and Gear
In addition to all the usual activities at the EYC, including lessons, sailboat races, watching sailboat races, swimming, bunco, bridge, cookouts, sunning, socializing, consuming beverages, and just plain going sailing, here’s what’s happing at the EYC this week:
THE DEADLINE TO ENROLL IN SESSION D LESSONS is noon on Sunday, July 15. Session D runs from July 16 through July 27. Space is limited, so enroll now before your preferred level and time fills up! Both group and private lessons are offered for juniors and adults. For more information about lessons at the EYC, and to enroll, go to
THE EYC’S ANNUAL RICH HALL JUNIOR REGATTA will be sailed in Flying Juniors on the afternoon of Sunday, July 15. Eligibility is limited to sailors under 18 years of age. The lottery for EYC members to use an EYC-owned Flying Junior must be entered by e-mail, and the deadline to enter the lottery is 3:00 PM on Friday, July 13. For more information, see For definitive Rich Hall Junior Regatta rules, see the Notice of Race and Sailing Instructions at
The second FIRST MATES’ COFFEE is Monday, July 16 at 9:30 AM at the EYC. This is your prime opportunity to reconnect with friends even though summer is well underway. If you are female, adult, and an EYC member, then you are a First Mate! There will be an update on First Mate activities, including a review of plans for the Ephraim Regatta, the Brat Fest, and the Commodore’s Party. For more information, contact First First Mate Carole Kraemer at (920) 868-2409.
The WEDNESDAY JUNIOR ACTIVITY on July 18 will be sailing and a goulash dinner. Meet at 5:00 PM at the EYC for this 1970′s-vintage Junior Activity! Everyone must bring a can of food to throw in the pot. We will sail on Flying Scots over to Nicolet Bay where we will cook the goulash in a big pot on the grill while the kids swim and have fun. Pick up back at the EYC at 8:00 PM. Sign up in advance on the poster at the EYC. EYC Junior Activites are open to EYC juniors and guests who have at least completed first grade.
The THURSDAY TEEN ACTIVITY on July 19 will be a power boat picnic, destination TBD depending on weather. Leave EYC 5:30 PM, return 9:00 PM. No cost. Bring your own picnic dinner/sandwich/chips, beverages, swimsuit, PFD, towel, and weather-appropriate clothing for evening boating. Sign up in advance on the poster at the EYC. EYC Teen Activities are open to EYC members and guests who have at least completed eighth grade.
The annual FIRST MATES’ POTLUCK DINNER will be at the spacious, air-conditioned Ephraim Village Hall on Thursday, July 19 at 6:00 PM. Event chair Anne Crowe promises another successful evening of fun and eating. Bring a favorite dish to share.
The annual MEN’S NIGHT ON THE DOCK is Friday, July 20. EYC men are invited to gather at the EYC for the Friday night Laser and FJ races. Around 7:30 PM as the women and youth depart, we will begin grilling dinner. Bring meat for the grill, an optional side dish or dessert (Note 1), your preferred beverage, and cigars if you smoke them. The EYC’s smoking ban is lifted for this event only, outdoors only.
Note 1: Purchasing a side dish or dessert at The Pig is acceptable, because you are a Man.
NEW! EYC FOR-SALE WEB PAGE. The EYC is offering various surplus boats and gear at prices meant to move them, including a Laser sailboat ($400), a 13′ Caribe RIB boat and motor (opening bid $1500), an Optimist boat cover ($85), and a Xerox copier / printer ($125). See
The EYC’s ANNUAL MEMBERSHIP MEETING will be at the EYC at 9:00 AM on Saturday, August 11. All EYC members are encouraged to attend in order to make sure we have a quorum to elect four new members of the Board of Directors for three-year terms. The Annual Meeting is also one of many opportunities for members to ask questions of, and make suggestions to, EYC Board members and officers.