Three Extraordinary EYC Volunteers
Fellow EYC members,
As the EYC’s season begins, I wish to recognize three EYC volunteers whose work for the EYC and its members goes far beyond the norm. They are Nancy Claypool, Rich Bierman and Deb Ritter.
Nancy Claypool has served on the EYC Board of Directors for six years, has been the EYC’s Membership Chairman, Nominations Chairman, Women’s Regatta Chairman, and Secretary, and has served on the EYC’s Race and Regattas Committee. She also was instrumental in bringing the 2009 Flying Scot NAC regatta to the EYC, and was a key member of the NAC Committee. Nancy’s duties have included keeping the minutes of the EYC’s membership and board meetings; preparing and mailing membership renewal reminders; preparing, printing and mailing the annual member directory; dealing with member queries and issues regarding membership; tracking the EYC’s member data (by creating and maintaining a spreadsheet of truly intimidating size and complexity); and identifying and persuading prospective board members and officers. A life-long member of the EYC and an avid Flying Scot racer, Nancy lives and works in New Orleans and is able to spend only a few weeks each year in Door County. She has made special trips to Door County (paying her own way) numerous times for board meetings and NAC meetings. As an active member of the Southern Yacht Club, Nancy brings an informed outside perspective to EYC matters. Her cheerful energy, high degree of organization, attention to detail, and selfless dedication have contributed immensely to the growth and well-being of the EYC.
Rich Bierman is in his fourth year on the EYC Board of Directors and has been Clubhouse Chairman and Village of Ephraim Liaison during that time. For 2012 he is the Chairman of the combined House and Dock Committee. Rich is responsible each spring for getting the clubhouse emptied, cleaned and prepared; for preparing the EYC’s boat lifts, cranes and ramp; and each fall for putting everything away and closing the clubhouse. Rich also oversees all aspects of the improvement, maintenance and upkeep of the EYC’s clubhouse, grounds and dock. As you can imagine, Rich maintains at all times a long list of House and Dock projects which are underway, planned, or contemplated for the future. Despite many other responsibilities including a wife and two children, Rich dedicates scores of hours each year to the EYC. Rich’s roles as a business owner and board member of several other not-for-profits enable him to bring practical, common-sense experience to board deliberations and other EYC matters. His dedication to doing things right means that House and Dock projects don’t just get done, they get done in a quality manner, taking into account overall member needs, value, and longevity. Rich’s hands-on craftsman-like approach, his close acquaintance with many Door County contractors, and his business experience means the EYC’s House and Dock budget stretches a long way. Rich even volunteers to save the EYC money by taking on projects which could be considered outside the House and Dock purview, such as refurbishing the EYC’s “Hoagie” powerboat, building the new Laser rack, and building a new kayak/paddleboard rack. As we enjoy the EYC’s clubhouse and dock this summer, we will all be grateful for Rich’s many contributions.
Deb Ritter serves on the EYC’s Board of Directors and has been the EYC’s Treasurer since 2010. As Treasurer, Deb’s duties include reviewing and paying all the EYC’s bills, reimbursing EYC members for expenses incurred on behalf of the EYC, collecting and depositing all the EYC’s revenues, reconciling bank statements, keeping a detailed set of Quickbooks accounts, providing financial information and reports to board members and others, preparing and distributing financial statements, calculating and disbursing payroll, and overseeing the preparation of the EYC’s not-for-profit Federal tax return. In order to do her job well, Deb has made herself familiar with the details of almost every aspect of EYC operations and has learned to use all of the EYC’s various pieces of software. Deb also takes a broader look at the EYC’s finances and operations and has made numerous suggestions to improve and streamline. Despite her responsibilities to her family and to her family business, Deb finds time to perform her EYC duties year-round in a remarkably transparent, informative, efficient, accurate, prompt, cheerful and helpful manner. The EYC would quickly come to a standstill if it were not for Deb. And she still finds time to volunteer in other ways, such as with the First Mates!
The EYC appreciates the efforts of all its volunteers, regardless of how much time they are able to contribute. But, these three are something special. Next time you see Nancy, Rich or Deb, please thank them for their time, and for their dedication to the EYC and its members.
Yours in Wind and Water,
Jay Lott