Kayak and Paddleboard Slots Available
The EYC’s kayak and paddleboard rack is complete and is ready to store kayaks and paddleboards belonging to members. If you are interested in renting a slot at the EYC for your kayak or paddleboard, please contact EYC Slip Czar Marsella Fults [email protected]. The slots will be allocated on a first-paid, first-served basis.
Paddleboard slots are $52.25 per season per board. Kayak slots are $105.50 per season per kayak. Prices include Wisconsin state and county sales tax.
A picture of the new rack is located at http://www.flickr.com/photos/ephraimyachtclub/7292067410/in/photostream
Thanks to EYC House and Dock chairman Rich Bierman for build such a nice rack for the EYC.