Annual Meeting Summary
The annual meeting of the members of the EYC was Saturday, August 7. Highlights included:
Paul Pillat presented the Treasurer’s report. Paul said that after paying remaining obligations, the EYC should end its fiscal year on October 31 with approximately $50,000 cash to carry into next year. This is roughly the same level of cash which the EYC carried from fiscal 2009 into fiscal 2010.
Commodore Marsella Fults gave the State of the Club address. Marsella reported the EYC is in very good shape due to the diligence and foresight of the board of Directors, members and many dedicated individuals that have volunteered countless hours. She thanked Alex Zalar for running a smooth and efficient operation this summer and for making the club a cool hang-out as well as a fine educational and racing facility.
Marsella thanked Rich Bierman for continuing to make the clubhouse a building we can all be proud of. This year’s upgrades include a beautiful epoxy-coated floor downstairs and a cold water fountain.
Marsella reported that the EYC racing fleets are growing and racing participation is increasing. Marsella thanked Joani Lewis and Carol Claypool for selecting great trophies for the season.
Marsella reported that the 105th Ephraim Regatta included thirty Flying Scots and six International 110s. We had a fun evening at Jay Lott’s Regatta Welcome Party was another successful fundraiser for the club, returning over $750 to the EYC to support the EYC charitable mission of sailing education and amateur sailing competition.
The EYC purchased four more used Lasers to make a total of six EYC-owned Lasers. The Lasers have been very popular with adults and juniors alike. Marsella reminded the members that the EYC is always happy to receive donations of any type of vessel. Marsella thanked Scott Pearson, Quinn Brennan and Jay Lott for overseeing the EYC fleet.
Membership chair Nancy Claypool reported that the EYC currently has 356 paid Family, Individual, Senior and Life members, in addition to many Student members. There are 22 new members this year so far plus the annual crop of Student members. Marsella thanked Nancy for the countless hours she spends keeping us organized.
Marsella reported that the EYC education program taught over 200 student sessions, an increase over 2009. Education chair Donna Scattergood, Director Alex Zalar, and the staff of talented instructors have has worked hard to streamline the program and to make it one of the biggest and best programs in the Midwest.
Marsella reported on social events. The EYC added two new events this year. Jack O’Rourke chaired a Fyr Bal Cookout where the guys grilled for everyone. Jeff Steele and Kirk Scattergood organized a men’s night on the dock. Both were very well attended and will become annual events. We have youth activities for 3 different ages now, ably chaired by Laura O’Rourke, Liz Gheorghita and Duska Pearson. Thanks a million to them and all their helpers for making summer in Door County even more fun. Ladies’ Bunco continues, as well as a very active Bridge program.
Marsella thanked Susan Reynolds-Smith for the excellent EYC merchandise. Susan’s merchandise sales have grown to be an important source of annual revenue for the EYC, as well out.
Marsella thanked Bjorn Hooper, who has served the club in countless ways this summer. She also mentioned the many areas in which Jay Lott has worked to improve the club and races, as well as taking on the communications to members.
Bill Klein reported that the 2010 Bratfest was a huge success. The Kleins were able to turn over more than $1500 in profit to the EYC!
EYC Director Alex Zalar gave a very comprehensive report about education and the staff. He is already looking ahead to 2011 and ways to improve our program.
Marsella thanked outgoing Board members: Scott Pearson, who has chaired the Equipment Committee; Quinn Brennan, who ably oversaw the clubhouse renovation along with many other jobs; Paul Pillat, who served as Treasurer for more years than we can count; and David Sauter, our wonderful Rear Commodore.
The members elected Heather Andersen, Kevin Harlan, Rick Hoyerman, and Deb Ritter as Directors for three-year terms.