THIS WEEK AT THE EYC – June 30 to July 6, 2008


Mon June 30:

Session B Lessons begin at 9am and 1:30pm

FS Races at 5:30pm


Tues July 1:

Opti Races at 5:30pm


Wed July 2:

Join us for our Third Junior Activity!

Bring $3 and a sack dinner to the yacht club around 5:30 and we’ll head over to the Red Putter around 6:00.

Pick up back at the EYC at 7:30.

Hope to see you there!

Questions, contact Jillian Brown (847) 772-9172 or Allison Huey at (920) 421-1921. Thanks!

REMINDER: those who have completed First grade are encouraged to join us!


Thurs July 3:

FJ Races at 5:30pm


Fri July 4:

Happy Independance Day!

Sat July 5:

FS Races at 9:30am

Opti Races at 1:30pm


Sun July 6:

FJ Races at 1:30pm

ICE CREAM SOCIAL AT THE CLUB AT 7:00pm (Bring a Topping)


Watch for announcements on Bunko, Future Teen Nights and Explorers!


Posted by Jillian Brown – Activities Director