Let’s Celebrate the 4th of July- Geezer Gatta, Bunco, & Ice Cream Social. Also Merch Sales, Bridge Update and NEW skipper/crew finder
Geezer Gatta and Flying Scot Racing- Saturday, July 1st
The July 4th weekend is a sort of homecoming at the EYC. Families gather during this time to reconnect with the place they call(ed) their summer home. For those folks who worked at the EYC during the summers, it is especially nostalgic to come on the dock and see their former students teaching. Has the student become the master or is the former instructor not washed up yet? It is all on the line at the Geezer Gatta. Boats sailing in the July 1st Flying Scot Saturday series race that are skippered by a former Ephraim Yacht Club instructor will be eligible for Geezer-Gatta trophies. Racing begins at 10. Use this link for the NOR & SI
Bunco Monday, July 3rd
Too much family, visitors getting on your nerves? Come take a break and fill your tank at Bunco. We will meet at the clubhouse at 7:00 p.m. Special night of hors d’oeuvres and libations for the 4th.
Ice Cream Social, July 4th
The favorite social event at the EYC is finally here!! Join us at the Clubhouse starting at 7:00 p.m. Bring a sundae topping to share and then make a sundae from 3 different flavors of ice cream! Whipped cream, sprinkles, chocolate sauce, crushed cookies, gummy bears are all great ideas for toppings! Jane and Melissa are looking for a couple more scoopers for the night. Use this link to sign-up Ice Cream Social Volunteer Ice Cream donated by Jessica and Steve Sauter and icecreamsource.com
Bridge takes a holiday, returns July 6th
EYC bridge will not be held on Monday, July 3rd or Tuesday, July 4th due to the holiday. Bridge will resume on Thursday , July 6th at 9:30 a.m.
Merchandise Sales Friday
Come on down to the dock to buy your EYC merchandise. 9 a.m.-1:00 p.m. Friday, June 30th (and every Friday during lessons). We could always use an extra hand or two use this link to Volunteer for Merch Sales. Can only volunteer for 1 hour, that’s ok leave us a note. Thanks! Geoff and Marta
Need a Skipper/Crew use our new finder
Want to race but don’t have crew or need a skipper? Try the NEW EYC skipper/crew sign-up. Use this link EYC Skipper/Crew Finder. and get ready to race! Notifications go to our Staff Director.