Fyr Bal Weekend
EYC Pop-up Shop on the dock starts this week
The EYC weekly pop-up shop on the Dock starts this Friday, June 17th. We will be open from 9:00 a.m.-1:00 p.m. We take cash, check and credit cards. Join the fun and the action on the dock- volunteer to help with sales.
Sign-up here Merchandise Sales Volunteer
Kick off Fyr Bal at the Pancake Breakfast
Fyr Bal is here ! The EYC is hosting the Pancake breakfast held at Ephraim Village Hall this Saturday, June 18th! The doors are open to the public from 8:00-10:30am on June 18th, $10 Adults, $5 Kids. One more request for volunteers to help at the Fyr Bal pancake breakfast. It’s a great group of smiling faces serving pancakes with fresh strawberries and grilled Marchant’s sausage links. We need to be wrapped up and out by 10:45 so you won’t be there late! Sign up here: Pancake Breakfast Volunteers
Fyr Bal Regatta
On Saturday morning at 10:00 am., the EYC will host the Fyr Bal Regatta. This race will be held in conjunction with our regular Saturday Flying Scot race series. Up to three races will be sailed. Trophies will be awarded for 1st- 3rd places. For more information visit https://www.eyc.org/racing/flying-scots/
Fyr Bal Family Cookout
The O’Rourke’s will host this fun evening on the dock at 6:00 p.m.. Join other EYC families for an alfresco dinner to kick out the winter witch! Burgers, brats and hot dogs will be provided. Please bring a side dish to share with many and your own beverages.
The EYC dock is the place to be and a great place to watch the fireworks! All families welcome!
Welcome to Summer Sailing
Session B one week and two week classes begin June 20th! All Beginner, Intermediate, Adventure and Advanced sailors report to the dock at your respective times. Please look for an email from the [email protected] for everything you need to know before showing up to lessons. There are a few remaining spots available in Session B. Don’t delay! Click here to get started- https://campscui.active.com/ orgs/EphraimYachtClub#/ selectSessions/3117036
The Education Team is always available to answer any questions, concerns, and inquiries. Please email us for a prompt reply: [email protected].
Passing of Dr. Robert Schmidt, Jr
With sadness, we’d like to inform the members of a very untimely, sudden death. Dr Robert T Schmidt, Jr passed away Saturday, May 28th in Ephraim. An active member of the EYC, we offer our condolences to his family and loved ones . His obituary can be found here Dr. Robert Schmidt Jr