If deadlines motivate you, this is the post for you!!

Don’t Forget! EYC & EYH Scavenger Hunt this Saturday, July 20th-6:00 p.m.

Adult Photo Scavenger Hunt- make new friends and test your knowledge of Ephraim Trivia!
6:00 p.m.– Please arrive at the EHF  NO Later Than 6 PM (3060 Anderson Lane)! Organizers will assign/ create teams of five people.  Please let us know if you can be a driver  during Check-In.
6:15 pm–  Team assignments will be announced.
 6:30 pm sharp The scavenger hunt will begin. 
 8:00 p.m. – Finish at the EYC!  BYOB. Enjoy your beverages and share your tall tales while organizers tally the results. Prizes go to the top two teams!

Tickets – $10-all proceeds to benefit the EYC sailing program and the EHF.  If  you know you are coming  please RSVP ASAP to Laura O’Rourke – [email protected]   Don’t sweat it! Evening of event participants accepted!

Education Update-Sessions D & E Racing Classes

In spite of the high water, our staff has done an incredible job of running the sailing education program this summer.  We all have adapted to the conditions and full classes are underway 5 days a week. One of the best ways to become a better sailor is to participate in races. There’s still time for your juniors to hone their racing skills in our racing classes. Spots available in the morning Racing course (Sessions D & E), and the afternoon Opti Racing course (Session D only). Intro to Lasers is another good way to get experience in a fast boat that’s  also fun to race(Session D only).  Use this link  eyc.org for more information and to sign-up. Session D begins on July 22nd, so register asap! EYC also offers private lessons for those of you who want a refresher or to continue to improve your sailing skills at any age or level.

Ephraim Regatta Deadlines- Boat Draw and Early Bird Registration

The deadline for the EYC boat draw is todayThursday, July 19 @ 5:00 p.m.– email Stacey Rieu at [email protected]. Early Bird Registration ends Thursday, July 25th, be the early bird! Use this link and  register to race

Hats off to our amazing volunteers!!

Thank you to all the volunteers that make our club a wonderful place. We would like to especially thank:  Barb Ziegler and Nan Zimdars for chairing the  First Mates Pot Luck, Claudia Werner for chairing the Ice Cream Social, Geoff Werner for managing the Rich Hall Regatta, Liz Dischner for Opti Regatta lunches, Carol Fiedler for Rich Hall Regatta lunches, Fred Lewis for building another Opti rack, Cain Goettelman for extra high wind staff training, and Claudia Werner for organizing the trophy room cabinets!
And the winner of a Chef’s Hat gift certificate is Geoff Werner!