This week at the EYC
Lots going on this week! Hope to see you all at any of the following:
Fyr Bal Pancake Breakfast Saturday
Please come to the EYC’s Fyr Bal Pancake Breakfast TOMORROW, Saturday June 18 from 7:30 AM to 10:30 AM at the Ephraim Village Hall. And, bring your friends – this fun and delicious event is open to the general public.
Fyr Bal Regatta
Part of the Flying Scot Series. Boat draw at 9:00 AM and first whistle is at 10.
EYC Open House
Saturday 10-2. This is an opportunity for members to bring a friend or potential member to the club for a tour, or to just send friends to the club to learn more about our membership benefits.
6th Annual Fyr Bal Cookout
Saturday, June 18, 6:00 p.m. Come one, come all to an EYC family cookout. Hosted by Steve Latreille and Jack O’Rourke. This has quickly become a wonderful tradition. Bring a side dish or dessert as well as your own beverages. Brats and burgers will be provided. The EYC dock is a perfect place to watch the lighting of the bonfires and the Fyr Bal fireworks! This is yet another fun casual party to meet and greet old and new members alike!
Wed. June 22, Junior Activities Begin
We are kicking off our weekly youth events with a new activity “Game Night” from 6:00- 8:00 pm. Sign up in the clubhouse beginning Friday, June 16th. There is a $5 per youth participation fee. Youths are welcome from ages 8 years and up. EYC youth are encouraged to bring a non-member or even two for this initial event and share the fun of Wednesday night youth activities. The Youth Activities Committee would appreciate your time and/or donations for a successful night of fun. Please see the online signup sheet for all of the details. All of the requests are very minimal. Questions, please email [email protected]
Teen Activities Begin Thursday, June 23
Our first teen activity is PickleBall! This fast paced and popular game is similar to Tennis and Ping Pong and not just for old folks! Sign up in the club house beginning Friday, June 16th. The Teen Activity Chairs, Jeanne Papenthien and Lisa Gifford are open to teen night suggestions. Please email us with your ideas at [email protected] and [email protected]. Bring a Pickleball racquet if you have one.
Thank You for Renewing Your EYC Membership!
Your continuing support of the EYC is greatly appreciated. Our membership year runs from June 1st through May 31st. Please email our Membership Director, Jodi Hoyerman, [email protected], if you have any questions about your membership or membership benefits.
Attention all Laser Racers!
Laser sailors are needed to help to repair the Laser fleet. Please come to EYC at 1:00 PM on Saturday (June 18) and 9:00 AM on Sunday (June 19) to help repair some of the Lasers. Laser sailors that volunteer at any one of the repair sessions will receive priority in Laser boat draws. No experience necessary. Look for Tommy Papenthien and Michael Faugust on the dock. Also, a reminder that the Laser Master series starts this Friday. Any questions? Please email [email protected] .
Opening Social June 25th Looking for volunteers to help
The Opening Social is just around the corner on Saturday, June 25th at 6pm. This event is for members 18 and older. The club will provide beverages and guests bring an appetizer to share.
EYC depends on our wonderful membership to volunteer at all of the EYC activities and events. If you haven’t volunteered in the past, volunteering at the Opening Social is a great way to socialize and meet other members. All of the volunteer needs are super easy and with very little time commitment. To volunteer, please click on the attached link to signup
RACING RACING RACING… Here’s what’s on the calendar this week:
Please note: All times listed are for the first warning signal; boat draws are held one hour before the warning signal.
Friday, June 17th
6:00pm 420 and Laser races, including Laser Masters.
Saturday, June 18
9:00am Pre-race Tips from Ryan Malmgren
10:00am Fyr Bal Regatta
Sunday, June 19
1:00pm 420 Races
Monday, June 20
6:00pm Flying Scot Races
Tuesday, June 21st
6:00pm Laser and Opti Races
Thursday, June 23rd
6:00pm Opti races
Friday, June 24th
6:00pm 420 and Laser races
Saturday June 25th
9:00 am Pre-race Tips by Cain Goettelman
10:00am Annual Family Regatta (and regular Saturday Flying Scot races)