EYC Membership Renewals – Don’t miss the early bird discount!
Have you renewed your membership yet? Membership renewal is off to a great start with a quarter of our members already renewing their memberships during the past 2 weeks. The “Early Bird” discount continues through February. Follow the link and login with your username and password.
Renewal office hours: Do you need help with your renewal? Jodi Hoyerman has generously offered to hold “EYC Office Hours” on Sunday afternoons from 1:00-4:00pm, through February. If you have questions or want help with your renewal, mark your calendar and give her a call at (920)421-1652 one sunday. She will be happy to assist you over the phone with your renewal and answer your membership questions.
Sailing team in need of dry suits. If you’re cleaning out those closets, and happen to find an old dry suit that you no longer need, the Gibraltar high school sailing team will gladly take it off your hands (in any condition). Email me (Marguerite) at [email protected].