EYC thank-yous
From time to time we publicly thank those who have helped the EYC by volunteering their time or otherwise. The EYC relies on the thousands of hours of volunteer time donated by members and friends each year. You help make the EYC special!
Thank you to Nancy Claypool, who we inadvertently left off the previous list of people who helped with the Fyr Bal Open House event.
Thank you to Shannon and Mark Wilfert, who donated two almost-new Flying Scot sails.
Thank you to Susan Schieble of Champeau Floor Covering in Sister Bay. When the EYC needed a lot of carpet to help guard our Lasers from concrete damage, Susan came through with a whole SUV-load of used carpet.
Thank you to new EYC member Gordie Roberts, who donated a Flying Scot tiller.
Thank you to EYC member Kate Lorenz, who donated a used kayak.
While we try to thank everyone at some point, we don’t thank everyone in every “thank-you” e-mail. Nor do we always try to thank Board members, officers, or committee chairs for their normal duties, which often take place behind the scenes, and which, for some Board members, are so numerous, varied and constant that to thank them would require the killing of too many digital trees. Next time you see a Board member, officer, or committee chair, please thank them for their efforts on behalf of the EYC.
And, sometimes we forget someone, or someone just falls through the cracks. If you know of someone who has volunteered for the EYC and has not been thanked either in an e-mail or in the Eagle’s Cry, please let us know at [email protected]