The EYC has an online membership directory

Did you know the EYC has an online membership directory?

That’s right, in addition to the annual printed membership directory which you receive when you join or renew your membership, the EYC maintains a complete and up-to-date membership directory online. The online directory is available at no cost at any time.  Access is restricted to current EYC Family, Senior, Single, Life and Honorary members.

The online membership directory has several advantages over the printed directory.  It can be accessed from anywhere as long as you have Internet access. And, it is more current than the printed directory.  The printed directory does not contain new members who join after April 1, nor does it contain members who renew their memberships after April 1.

The online directory is password-protected.  To access the online directory, go to, then click “member login.”

Then log in using the same username and password that you used to renew your membership.  (If you forgot, there is a link you can use to retrieve your username or password.)

Then click “membership directory.”