Everything you ever wanted to know about the EYC (or not)
EYC members, did you know that the answers to just about all your questions about the EYC can be found online? The EYC’s website includes:
* The EYC’s 2014 schedule (eyc.org/schedule)
* Comprehensive information on sailing lessons, and a link to enroll (eyc.org/lessons)
* A link to the EYC’s online membership directory (eyc.org/member-info)
* A list of the EYC’s officers, Directors and committee chairs, with contact information for each (eyc.org/contactus)
* A description of the benefits of joining the EYC, which you can share with your friends who are not yet members (eyc.org/membership)
* Information about racing, including event dates, Notices of Race, sailing instructions, and race results (eyc.org/racing)
* Every e-mail the EYC has sent to its members since 2006, in the form of a blog post, in a searchable database (eyc.org/blog)
* Links to the EYC’s photo archives with over 6000 pictures (eyc.org)
* How you can donate to the EYC (eyc.org/donate)
* A list of open volunteer opportunities (eyc.org/volunteer)
* An archive of back issues of the Eagle’s Cry going all the way back to Volume 1, Number 1 dated May 1, 1964 (eyc.org/eaglescry)
* Lots of other information about the EYC, including parking, swimming, behavior, safety, and slip and locker policies; a list of Skipper’s License holders; a list of annual trophies and awards; our mission statement (in the Articles of Incorporation); how we organize and govern the EYC (in the By-Laws); a description of reciprocal privileges; classified advertising; how to join US Sailing at a discount; the EYC’s history; and a list of EYC Commodores from 1906 to today. All this can be found at eyc.org/member-info