Commodore’s Party / Race Schedule changes

Help end the EYC’s social season in style! Come to the COMMODORE’S PARTY, Saturday, August 10 beginning at 6:00 PM at the Peninsula School of Art. EYC members and guests of all ages are welcome at this party, which is always the highlight of the EYC’s social season.  This year, for the first time, the Commodore’s Party will feature live music! Singer Katie Schnorr and guitarist George Sawyn will perform jazz standards.  Bring your favorite appetizer; the EYC supplies wine, beer, and soft drinks.  Admission remains at $15 (adults and children age 9 and older) or $8 (age 8 and under).  Pay at the door only.  There is no pre-payment available for this party.  The EYC prefers your personal check.

The Peninsula School of Art is located at 3900 Hwy. F, Fish Creek, approximately 1 block east of Hwy. 42.


Reminder: The FLYING SCOT RACES normally scheduled for the morning of Saturday, August 10 will be held instead on the morning of Sunday, August 11.  Boat draw at 9:00 AM, first warning signal at 10:00 AM, as usual.

The OPTIMIST BLUE FLEET (11 and under) RACES normally scheduled for the morning of Sunday, August 11 will be held instead on the morning of Saturday, August 10.  Boat draw at 9:00 AM, first warning signal at 10:00 AM, as usual.

The switch is intended to accommodate Flying Scot racers who also wish to attend the Annual Meeting, or the Board of Directors meeting which follows the membership meeting.