Ten registrations remain for the EYC’s gala July 13 dinner event
Due to last-minute demand, the EYC has extended the deadline to register for the gala July 13 Dinner with Gary Jobson. Over 220 of your fellow EYC members and supporters are already registered to attend!
The deadline to purchase one of the remaining ten registrations is 5:00 PM on Friday, July 12. When they are gone, no further registrations will be accepted. Pre-registration is required. You cannot purchase admission at the door. For more information about this event and to register, go to www.eycgaryjobson.eventbrite.com
Partygoers are are reminded:
1. Bring your checkbook for quicker checkout when you win a silent auction item. The EYC does not accept cash.
2. DO NOT PARK IN ALEXANDER’S LOT. Park only in the Ministry Health Care lot, immediately south of Alexander’s.