EYC Thank-Yous
The EYC gets a lot of help and donations from a lot of people, members and non-members alike:
Thanks to EYC member Nancy Claypool, who donated a new WiFi-enabled printer for the EYC.
Thanks to EYC member Bob Klein, who refurbished one of the EYC’s Flying Scot centerboards over the winter.
Thanks to EYC member Ryan Malmgren of Mad Sails, who repaired one of the EYC’s large burgees so it can be flown from the EYC’s flag pole.
Thanks to Mark Warecki of Pro Tree Service, and EYC member Mike Maltby of Action Electric, each of whom loaned lift trucks to repair broken sheaves at the top of the EYC’s flagpole, enabling us to fly Old Glory (and Wisconsin’s flag, and the EYC burgee too!) once again. Thanks also to Mike for upgrading the EYC’s electrical circuit on our pier to upgrade to safer outlets, and for installing some new, much-needed outlets in the EYC’s office.
Thanks to the Richter, Latreille and O’Rourke families for cooking a fine dinner for EYC members at the Fyr Bal Family cookout.
Thanks to EYC member Alison Tatlow, and to Linda Franczyk, for organizing the EYC’s Opening Social, and thanks to Jeff and Betsy Steele for donating the wine served. Thanks to George Kraemer for serving as Master of Ceremonies and for coming up with the idea of a memorial wreath laying for departed members, a custom which the EYC hopes to continue in future years at the Opening Social.
Thanks to Suzy Boerke, who bid $575 to win the auction at the Opening Social to name the EYC’s newest Laser “Capt’n Jack’s”. Also thanks to Suzy and her husband Dave for donating a new plaque for the EYC’s flagpole. The flagpole, originally donated by the late Jack McCoy in honor of his wife Ruth, will now memorialize both Ruth and Jack, Suzy’s parents.
Thanks to EYC Vice Commodore Jack O’Rourke for conducting the Opening Social auction, and to George Kraemer for serving as master of ceremonies.
Thanks to Rich Bierman and his family, and to Ben Shallip for refurbishing the EYC’s “Hoagie” 13′ Boston Whaler, which has now rejoined the EYC’s teaching / safety powerboat fleet. It looks like new!
Thanks to Jessica Sauter, who chaired the Ice Cream Social, and to icecreamsource.com, which is owned by Steve and Jessica Sauter, for donating the ice cream.
Thanks to Joani Lewis for chairing the Founder’s Day picnic, which was paired with a busy evening of Laser and FJ racing and was a big success.
Thanks to Deb Ritter and Jack O’Rourke, who took four summer days away from Door County to serve as drivers and chaperones for the EYC’s Sears Cup regional regatta team at Lake Minnetonka.
Thanks to Jesse Decker Brunsvold and the Sturgeon Bay Sail Training Foundation. When the EYC needed a Flying Junior rudder to make our eighth Flying Junior operable for the Rich Hall Junior Regatta, Jesse not only lent us one from the SBSTF, but delivered it to the EYC herself from Sturgeon Bay!
Thanks to Bill and Heather Andersen for donating the beverages served at the 420 Fundraising Gala party.
Thanks to the Ephraim Historical Society, which has allowed the EYC to use the Olga Dana Green (the park across the street from the EYC) for three EYC events this summer: Yoga, Youth Activity lawn games, and the Regatta Welcome Party on Friday, August 3.
Thanks to Anne and Larry Crowe, who again this year provided the use of their beach to store the EYC’s Flying Juniors during the Ephraim Regatta, enabling the EYC to increase the space on its pier available to store visiting Flying Scots.
Thanks to Donna and Kirk Scattergood, who donated two used printers for the EYC to sell to raise funds.
Thanks to Lal Burridge, who donated some child-size PFDs for the EYC to add to its inventory of loaner PFDs.
Thanks to Bill Claypool, who donated several used Flying Scot sails, some of which will be used for lessons and some of which are for sale.
Thanks to EYC member Paul Jones, who is resetting the paver stones at the north upper entranceway to bring them up to grade to make the entrance safer.
And thanks to everyone who showed up on Saturday, September 1, to help close the EYC after the 2012 season. We we so organized (thanks to clubhouse chair Rich Bierman) and so many people showed up to help that we finished all the club closing projects in only two hours and we were eating our picnic lunch at 11:00 AM! In no particular order:
Jim Nelson
Dick Bierman
Rich Bierman
John Welch
Holly Welch
Graham Welch
Jack O’Rourke
Abby O’Rourke
Laura O’Rourke
J.R. O’Rourke
Fred Lewis
Liz Gheorghita
Margaret Gheorghita
Edward Gheorghita
John Peterson
Deanna Peterson
Stefan Peterson
Joel Dykman
Matt Smith
Rex Kahr
Tom Mulligan
Elaine Mulligan
Eric Richter
Bob Richter
Sidney Richter
Steven Richter
Stephanie Richter
Ethan Heick
Anne Crowe
Larry Crowe
Matt Andersen
Topher Andersen
Donna Scattergood
Kirk Scattergood
Kim Miller
Suzanne Lisle
Kate Neavolls
Tom Murray
Steve Latreille
Sara Latreille
Claudia Latreille
Olivia Latreille
Duska Pearson
Gretchen Pearson
Ingrid Pearson
Christine Bridenhagen
Jay Lott
We try to thank everyone, but so many people do so much for the EYC, that sometimes things fall through the cracks. If you know of someone who has done something for the EYC lately, who has not been publicly thanked, please email [email protected]. We’ll thank EYC committee chairs and committee members, and cash donors to the EYC, separately in the Fall Eagle’s Cry.