EYC Hours and Services / Empty Your Locker / Lost and Found
Most of the EYC’s programmed summer events are over, capped off with a wonderful Commodore’s Party, and strong participation in the last day of racing on Sunday, August 12.
But that does not mean that members cannot still use the EYC! EYC lessons continue through Friday, August 17. Swimming, cooking out on the EYC’s grills, and other non-scheduled use of the EYC’s facilities can continue as long as weather permits. Bridge will continue as scheduled through September 25.
The club will remain open, with staff, from 9 AM until 5 PM daily through Sunday, August 19. Qualified EYC members can use EYC sailboats during those hours; please call the EYC ahead of time to confirm availability. Private lessons are also available during those hours by appointment.
After August 19, the pier and crane can still be used, and the clubhouse can be opened in case of need by contacting [email protected].
Members are requested to empty their lockers and remove padlocks by the end of the day on August 19. You can also empty your locker on the morning of Saturday, September 1. After September 1, any remaining padlocks will be removed and locker contents donated to charity.
On August 20 any items remaining in the EYC’s lost-and-found bin will be donated to charity.