Volunteers Needed
The Ephraim Yacht Club is volunteer-managed, and could not exist without the thousands of hours of volunteer time donated every year by its members. As the EYC grows, it’s important to spread the volunteer load so that no one person is required to carry too much. The EYC is constantly seeking the right volunteer for the right position.
Some of the EYC’s available volunteer opportunities are listed below. For more detail on these volunteer positions, go to www.eyc.org/member-info and click on “Volunteers Needed”.
- Chart Salesperson
- Development Chair
- Endowment Chair
- Disposer of the EYC’s Electric Swiveling Boat Lift
- Education Committee Co-Chair
- Equipment Committee Chair
- Financial Controls Committee Chair
- House and Dock
- King of Pop
- Photographer(s)
- Regatta Principal Race Officer
- Regatta Welcome Party Chair
- Thank-You Letter Writer
- Video Producer
This is by no means a comprehensive list. Volunteer opportunities are available for persons of all skills and regardless of how much or how little time you are able to give.
If you would like to volunteer to help the EYC, either in one of the positions described above or in some other capacity, please contact [email protected]. Or, you can contact the appropriate Committee chairperson by going to www.eyc.org/contactus.