The EYC Rents Lockers
If you or your child spend a lot of time at the EYC, you can rent a locker to keep your possessions dry and safe.
The EYC rents two sizes of lockers. The smaller lockers ($25/season) are sized to store lunch and a few personal possessions that you would not want to take out on a boat and get wet, like purses, wallets and mobile phones. The larger lockers ($37/season) are big enough also to hang up a couple of PFDs, and store your backpack, laptop computer, foul weather gear, or a few other clothing items. You supply your own combination lock.
A few lockers are still available. Act soon before they are all gone! To reserve a locker, contact Marsella Fults, EYC Rear Commodore, Slip and Locker Czar [email protected]