Optimist Regatta / Yoga
The EYC’s annual Ephraim Optimist Regatta is Sunday, July 10. This is a great first regatta for our junior sailors. There is no entry fee and the regatta is only one day long. Registration begins at 9:00 AM, the raffle for EYC members to draw EYC-owned Optimists is at 9:45 AM, and racing begins at 11:00 AM. For more information see the Notice of Race located at www.eyc.org/racing.
The EYC will offer Yoga classes to members! The classes will be taught by EYC member Lisa Gifford.
Tuesday from 9:30 AM to 10:30 AM will be a gentle yoga class geared more toward beginning yoga students; classes will begin July 19 and run through August 9. Friday from 7:30 AM to 8:30 AM will be a faster paced class geared more toward intermediate to advanced yoga students; classes will begin July 8 and run through August 12.
These Yoga classes are being offered for free to all EYC members, but donations to the EYC are encouraged. All donations will be used to support the EYC’s sailing lesson scholarship program. All participants must provide their own mat and any props (blocks, straps, bolsters, etc.) they prefer. Classes are offered on a space available basis, so please arrive ten minutes prior to start time to make room for everyone. For more information see eyc.org/yoga-at-the-eyc. Questions? Contact Sue Zingsheim (920) 854-5011 [email protected].