Welcome New EYC Members!
At Saturday evening’s Opening Social, please be sure to wear your name tag and to welcome the EYC’s new members. Since last September, the following new Family, Individual and Senior members have joined the EYC. We look forward to having them be a part of everything the EYC has to offer!
Dirk and Tracy Ahlbeck
Jay and Jennifer Anderson
Priscilla Apfelbach
Alison Beadell
Mike Callahan
Paul and Myra DeLong
Keith and Dawn Eickenberg
Dan and Pat Fetterley
Nathan and Jean Guequierre
Norma Hager
Jeff and Amber Johnson
Joel and Alicia Kersebet
Bob Klein
Bob and Gail Limoni
Lynn Martin
Jack and Erin McFarlane
Bob and Judy Minahan
Lisa and Paul Olson
Steve and Joyce Paoletti
Ted and Jeanne Papenthien
Fred and Janet Perryman
Marianne Porter
John and Jennifer Puisis
Rob and Em Rogers
George Sargent
Jeff and Kim Schimmer
Carol Fiedler and Claude Therien
Geoff and Claudia Werner
James and Christine Zasuly
Bob and Barb Ziegler