Beginner Sailing Lessons for Teens
The EYC offers beginner sailing lessons to children who have at least completed first grade.
The EYC has received inquiries from parents who have teenagers who want to take beginner sailing lessons with their peers rather than being placed in lessons with our younger beginner sailors.
The EYC is considering offering separate beginner classes for teenagers. If there is enough interest, we would offer a separate Level I beginner class to students who have completed 7th grade or higher. This Level I class would be taught in the afternoons during Session C (July 4-15). A Level II class for teens would be taught in the afternoons during Session D (July 18-29), for which completion of Level I or the equivalent would be a prerequisite.
If you would consider enrolling your teen in either or both of these classes, please send an e-mail to [email protected], so that the EYC can gauge the level of interest and decide whether to offer such classes.
For more information about the EYC’s lesson program, go to