EYC hits a home run on the Flying Scot NAC regatta – 2009
Last week’s Flying Scot North American Championship regatta was a terrific success. Competitors, race officials, partygoers and Flying Scot Sailing Association officials were unanimous in their praise of the organization, teamwork and hospitality displayed by EYC members, volunteers and staff and by residents of the Village of Ephraim.
We were blessed with five days of good sailing weather in six days of racing and during each of the four parties.
EYC’s juniors particularly distinguished themselves. Woody Heidler with crew Murphy Zingsheim and Forest Gmitro were third overall in the Junior NAC, qualified for the Championship fleet, and even led one Championship race at the windward mark. A picture of Woody, Murphy and Forest is currently featured on the FSSA homepage at http://www.fssa.com Four other EYC juniors competed in the Junior NAC. Christian Pillat with crew Julian Slagter also qualified for the Championship fleet. EYC instructor Alison Chase with crew Liz Gheorghita and Margaret Gheorghita were second in the Women’s NAC, including winning the first race. For more race results see http://ephraimyc.wpengine.com/fsnac .
Many thanks to all EYC members who volunteered their time and energy to make the NAC a success. Watch the next issue of the Eagle’s Cry for more on the NAC.
Posted by: Jay Lott, NAC Vice Chair