First Mates Breakfast/Coffee Monday at 9!
Please join the EYC First Mates (that’s us ladies) for coffee and breakfast treats upstairs at EYC on Monday, June 12th 9am (or after you listen to pre-session lesson speeches when you drop your children for the first week of lessons). If you have a special breakfast treat you would like to share, please bring it along. We will have time to reconnect after the winter and get to know new members. We will look at the calendar for June and early July and give everyone a short update on what we have planned for another wonderful summer on the dock!
And while you are at it, put these dates on your calendar:
- Monday July 10th 9AM: First Mates coffee
- Thursday July 13th 6 PM First Mates Potluck, Ephraim Village Hall.
Please join us! First Mates events are a fantastic opportunity to meet other women and find out what EYC has to offer this summer! We are relying more on computer sign up for volunteer opportunity, so the First Mate’s coffees will be more of a social hour than a volunteer fair!