420 Clinic, Closing Work Day, and Donate Sailing Stuff to EYC
Today (Friday the 19th) is the last day to check out Club boats.
We are down to minimal staff after today. The dock is still available for use of privately owned boats through Sept 30th.
Sat. Sept. 3 Closing Work Day, HELP NEEDED
All EYC members are requested and encouraged to help close the EYC beginning at 9:00 AM sharp on Saturday, Sept. 3rd. We will be putting away boats and equipment, organizing the house for winter and removing dock equipment. Most projects should be finished before noon. There are jobs for persons of all ages, abilities, and strengths. The EYC will provide a burger and hot dog lunch for those who help. Please bring your own beverages.
The EYC relies heavily on its member volunteers to open and close the EYC each season. This holds down costs and helps keep the dues affordable. Last year over 50 EYC members helped close the EYC. Please don’t miss out on this Labor Day weekend tradition!
420 Racing Clinic: Sunday Sept. 4th 9:00 – 3:00.
Join our Gibraltar High School Sailing Team and our friends from the UW-Milwaukee Sailing Team for some Labor Day Weekend sailing. Former EYC Sailing Director, Isak Peterson will be leading the sailors through a day of 420 drills on the water both in the morning and afternoon. Students will take a mid-day lunch break on the dock. After the clinic, participants will de-rig several 420s for winter storage. Free for EYC members; $10 for non-members. Lunch provided. Questions? Contact: Jodi Hoyerman, EYC Membership Chair, [email protected] or 920-421-1652
Clean up your personal boat yard and donate to the EYC.
The EYC is a Tax Deductible 501(c)3 educational organization. That means you can receive a tax benefit when donating your boats and other yachting equipment to the Club either to be used in the program or sold to benefit the Club.
This method of fleet renewal and fundraising is one more way of keeping our dues low and accessible for everyone. Last year we used money from the sale of donated equipment to purchase two new Opti’s, 3 new Flying Scot booms and much needed rigging equipment. We also received a Flying Scot “Utrygggg” in good condition that was raced in the 111th Ephraim Regatta.
So Much Stuff in the Lost and Found!
Come and claim what’s yours.