Optimist Buying Opportunity Extended!
The EYC has placed an order for six Optimist sailboats to increase the EYC’s Optimist fleet from 12 to 18 for 2014.
For a limited time, EYC members can purchase their own Optimists and get the same fleet discount afforded to the EYC! You can purchase an Optimist configured the same way as the EYC Optimists for about $2660, or you can choose to configure yours differently, and still get a 15% discount off the list price. Your Optimist will be delivered to the EYC in late May or early June.
Individual orders must be placed directly with McLaughlin Boatworks. To learn more and to place your order, contact Brian Holloway [email protected], or call him at 800-784-6478.
Order your new Optimist soon before this off-season discount disappears!