EYC Thank Yous
The EYC gets a lot of help and donations from members and friends. Here are some of the latest ones:
Thanks to Paul Pillat, who donated a Flying Scot main, jib and spinnaker which the EYC can use for lessons and daysailing.
Thanks to Rob Comstock, who is using his professional signmaking skills to make a new sign for the EYC.
Thanks to Bob Klein, who is using his metalworking skills to shorten two of the EYC’s Flying Scot rudders down to current dimensions.
Thanks to Dick Filippini, who donated quite a few items: two Sunfish, a trailer, some Sunfish parts, a kayak, and a windsurfer. The EYC has sold these items to raise funds.
Thanks to these EYC members, parents and friends who took time out of their beautiful Fall Fest weekend to help flip over the EYC’s Flying Scot “Scot Free” so that it can be painted: Mike Callahan, Mike Faugust, John Hogan, Bill Lehman, Fred Lewis, Mike Lisle, Jay Lott, Jim Nelson, Sam Perlman, and David Sauter.
Thanks again to Mike Callahan, who is painting the Scot Free to make it look better than new!