Afternoon Lessons are Cheaper / First Mates Coffee Monday June 18
The EYC offers many of its junior group sailing lessons in both the morning and the afternoon. The content and format of the lessons is identical, but afternoon lessons are usually more lightly enrolled.
To help balance enrollment, the EYC offers a price discount on afternoon lesson tuition of approximately 10%. For example, a morning Level 1 lesson costs $325 for a two-week session, but the identical afternoon lesson costs only $300.
To learn more about EYC sailing lessons, and to enroll, go to If your junior student is already enrolled in morning lessons and you want to switch to afternoon lessons, save some money, and perhaps get a lower student / instructor ratio, contact the EYC’s Education chairman Jay Lott [email protected]
The discount applies only to afternoon lesson levels which are offered both in the morning and the afternoon in the same session. The discount does not apply to adult lessons or teen-only lessons, which are not offered in the morning.
First First Mate Carole Kraemer reminds all First Mates to get the season off to a great start by attending the first First Mates Coffee on Monday, June 18 at 9:30 AM at the EYC. This is a great opportunity to see your First Mates friends and hear about plans for this summer’s activities. If you are a female EYC member, then you are a First Mate. Questions? Contact Carole at (920) 868-2409.