Junior Bunco and World Cup Brackets
EYC juniors are invited to play Bunco at the EYC on Wednesday, June 30, from 6 PM until 8 PM.
Bunco is a simple dice game that is easy to learn. There is no cost or entry fee for Junior Bunco. Prizes include gift certificates from favorite local businesses. Grand Prize is a half hour trip for the winner and three friends in Captain Ben’s boat in Eagle Harbor. (PFDs must be worn.)
As an added bonus, we will have a World Cup soccer pool. Anyone who wants to play should bring $1.00 and their soccer prognostication skills. One entry per person.
Junior activities are open to all who have completed First Grade.
Parents: If your child is participating in junior activities, please volunteer to help with Junior Activities! To volunteer or for more information contact Youth Activities chairperson Liz Gheorghita [email protected]