EYC 2010 Membership Renewal In the Mail
The 2010 EYC membership renewal is in the mail to you and we are looking forward to a great year in 2010.
This year, your dues invoice has your directory listing printed on it. It’s important to stay in touch with our members so, if you have any changes, please indicate them on the form when you return your invoice. For those of who may not have the best handwriting, please also consider e-mailing any corrections to Nancy Claypool, our Membership Chairman, at [email protected] .
As a reminder, our directory includes your permanent mailing address, your winter address, summer address (P.O. Boxes and street addresses for each), home phone numbers, cell phone numbers, e-mail addresses, names of children under age 25 as well as their e-mail addresses and cell phone numbers. Please feel free to include any and all pertinent information.
Membership renewals postmarked by Saturday, February 27, 2010 are eligible for the early bird discount.
Posted by Nancy Claypool, Membership Chair