Sign-up now for 2009 EYC Sailing lessons!  All parents of 2008 students should have received

an email with the level their child is ready for.  If you did not please send an email to:

[email protected] .


-NEW course for students interested in Cruising.  Available to youth that complete level 4 and

are approved by the Club Director (same as ART).  Offered in the afternoon.

-Limited Course offering in Session A

-NO Lessons the week of the North American Championships Aug 1-7

-One week Session E after NAC’s

-Adult Group available, one-week sessions in the afternoons beginning June 22nd

Enrollment is again online, this saved a tremendous amount of administrative time last year.

Thank you for your cooperation.

GO HERE TO ENROLL:  http://www.active.com/event_detail.cfm?event_id=1714822

Posted by:  Donna Scattergood – Education Chair and David Sauter – Commodore