The EYC Needs Your Talent – 2007
As the club grows, the opportunities grow for members to put their special talents to use for all. Following are volunteer leadership positions we are looking to fill in 2007-2008. If you are interested or have questions, please contact David Sauter at [email protected] or 920-217-5851.
Club Photo Historian: Responsible for collecting, cataloging and posting EYC photos to the website using a simple Flickr account. Ideal volunteer will have a passion for digital photography and a desire to collect and post historical photos.
Eagles Cry Publisher: Organize, edit and publish the Eagles Cry twice a year (October and April). Ideal candidate will work with the Commodore and committee Chairperson to assemble, edit and publish the Eagle’s Cry.
Dockside Blog Reporter: This person will write updates and collect/edit/publish updates from others for the EYC Dockside BLOG. We need a reporter to keep those members not able to be at the EYC all summer up to date on what has and is happening. Their work will also act as a new historical record for the EYC.
Teen Activities Organizer: We are looking to organize special events for our members ages 15-19ish. It is our hope to plan from two to four events per summer. Event ideas include: Movie Night at Club, Red Putter tourney, Sailing Treasure Hunt, etc.
Explorers Activities Organizer: We are looking to organize special events for our members ages four to eight. It is our hope to plan two to four events per summer. Event Ideas: Beach Day, Dock Games, EYC birthday party, etc.
Don’t let that passion and talent go to waste!